I realized I developed my own mantra, three key phrases that play on repeat in my head when I wish they wouldn’t.

I’m insane

I’m scared

I’m broken.

These phrases are as much a part of me as my face, and I have thought them for so long that I thought they must be true. Working in different materials I amassed over 500 tiles in brown wax, plaster, white wax, paper, light brown wax, iron, aluminum, and resin. I set this project up in two different ways, the first being filling a room with brown wax, plaster, and white wax tiles. I also wrapped the entire room with vinyl lettering stating the phrases that are ingrained in me. I then took all the tiles I had made and put them into a pile, as I wanted them to leave me alone, but they will always exist.


Guilt in Abundance


To Hurt and To Heal